Graphical Symbols and Abbreviations for Fire Protection Drawings

Architects have their own abbreviations, symbols and drawing conventions to enable all persons in their profession to understand drawings produced for their use. Drawing Conventions are subject to BS 1192: 2007 Collaborative production of architectural, engineering and construction information. Clicking on the above link will provide you with some information on this standard. I am not sure if British Standards Institute has produced Standards to cover all the professions however there is a British Standard to cover Fire Engineering. The current standard is BS 1635: 1990 Recommendations for graphic symbols and abbreviations for fire protection drawings and clicking on this link will provide you with some information on this standard. However many fire engineers do not use the current standard and the symbols below are used. Many of the following symbols are used by the British Fire Service and most probably based on BS 1635: 1970. When marking up a drawing you could use any symbols of your own choice providing you create a legend showing what each symbol represents. Depending on the reason for the drawing, Means of Escape for instance you may use the symbol to show an area to be covered, in accordance with the current British Standard, not the exact location and the symbols below would be acceptable. Other times an emergency lighting engineer for instance would require to show the exact location of a luminaire to enable the electrician to fit it, in accordance with the current British Standard. In this situation BS 1635: 1990 would be more useful for the purpose.


Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service – Fire Certificate Abbreviations and Symbols. A small number indicated with a " * " are in accordance the current British Standard.

Symbol or Abbreviation



FR door

Doors – Fire Resisting Having regard to the relevant British Standard the need to provide 30 minutes fire resistance standard is provided by the doors so indicated. Associated fan lights and transom lights over these doors are of fire resisting glazing and fixed shut

FR door 60 mins

Doors – Fire Resisting

Where the degree of fire resistance is accepted as exceeding 30 minutes, that period is as shown in minutes. Associated fan lights and transom lights over these doors are of fire resisting glazing and fixed shut


Doors – Self Closing Devices


Doors so indicated are fitted with devices, other than rising but hinges, which will maintain the door(s) effectively self-closing.


Doors – Automatic Releases


Doors so indicated are provided with automatic releases which are designed to hold a fire resisting door or leaf of a fire resisting door in the fully open position and to permit the door or leaf to close automatically upon the actuation of the fire alarm system.


Doors – Security

Doors so indicated, which may be secured when certain parts of the premises are not in use, are provided with special fastenings.


Doors – Free From Fastenings


Doors so indicated are free from all forms of fastenings other than the ball or roller catches.

FR construction Fire Resisting Construction

Having regard to the relevant British Standard and the need to provide 30 minutes fire resistance the standard provided by the construction is so indicated.


Fire Resisting Glazing


Glazing so indicated is accepted as being constructed so as to comply with the relevant British Standard, as having a fire resistance of 30 minutes and is fixed shut.


Fire Resisting Glazing

Where the period of fire resistance is accepted as exceeding 30 minutes the period is as shown in minutes.


Fire Resisting Glazing Height above the floor level

Glazing so indicated is not lower than 1.06m from floor level.

Hose reel

Fire Extinguishers – Hose Reel Hose Reel(s) so indicated, the length of which is shown in
metres and conforms to the relevant British Standard.


Fire Extinguishers – Water

Portable WATER TYPE fire extinguisher the capacity of which is shown in litres and to the relevant British Standard.


Fire Extinguishers – Foam

Portable FOAM TYPE fire extinguisher the capacity of which is shown in litres and to the relevant British Standard.

Dry Powder

Fire Extinguishers – Dry Powder

Portable DRY POWDER TYPE fire extinguisher the capacity of which is shown in Kgs and to the relevant British Standard.

Carbon di oxide

Fire Extinguishers – Carbon Dioxide Portable CARBON DIOXIDE TYPE fire extinguishers so indicated the capacity of which is shown in Kg and conforming to the relevant British Standard.

Vaporising liquid

Fire Extinguishers – Vaporizing Liquid Portable VAPORISING LIQUID TYPE fire extinguishers so indicated the capacity of which is shown in kg and conforming to the relevant British Standard.

Fire blanket

Fire Extinguishers – Fire Blanket Fire Blankets so indicated the size of which is shown in metres conforming to the relevant British Standard.

Fire alarm call point

Fire Alarm – Call Point Fire Alarm Call Points so indicated conform to the relevant
British Standard.

Fire alarm audible warning device

Fire Alarm – Audible Warning Device Audible Warning Devices so indicated which conform to the relevant British Standard.

Fire alarm visual warning device

Fire Alarm – Visual Warning Device Visual Warning Devices so indicated which conform to the relevant British Standard

Fire Alarm - Internal Telephone

Fire Alarm – Internal Telephone The Internal Telephones so indicated

Fire Alarm - Indicator Panel

Fire Alarm – Indicator Panel Fire Alarm Indicator Panel(s) so indicated which conform to the relevant British Standard.

Fire Alarm - Manual Sounders

Fire Alarm – Manual Sounders Manual Fire Alarm Sounders so indicated.
Automatic Fire Alarm - Automatic Fire Alarm –
Automatic Detector Heads so indicated forming part of the fire warning system, which conforms to the relevant British Standard.
Automatic Fire Alarm - Automatic Fire Alarm –
Automatic Detector Heads so indicated forming part of the fire warning system, which conforms to the relevant British Standard.

Emergency Lighting Points

Emergency Lighting Points Lighting Points so indicated which conform to the relevant British Standard form part of the emergency lighting system.

Emergency Lighting Hand Lamp

Emergency Lighting Hand Lamp Hand lamps so indicated, together with the hand lamps issued to members of the staff.

Emergency Lighting - Illuminated Exit Box

Emergency Lighting – Illuminated Exit Box Illuminated Exit sign boxes which conform to the relevant
British Standard with letters of the height shown in mm.

Emergency Lighting - Illuminated Directional Exit Box

Emergency Lighting – Illuminated Directional Exit Box Illuminated Exit Directional Signs which conform to the relevant British Standard with letters of the height shown in mm.

Fire Exit Sign

Fire Exit Sign Signs which conform to the relevant British Standard with letters the height shown in mm

Fire Exit Directional Sign

Fire Exit Directional Sign
Signs which conform to the relevant British Standard with letters the height shown in mm.

N1 Fire Notice - General Notice

Fire Notice – General Notice Notices so indicated which show the general fire procedure as indicated in the "General Fire Procedure"

N2 Fire Notice - Staff Notice

Fire Notice – Staff Notice Notices so indicated which show the staff fire procedure as indicated in the "Staff Fire Procedure"

N3 Fire Notice - Keep door Shut Notice

Fire Notice – Keep door Shut Notice Doors so indicated are permanently marked with a notice

N4 Fire Notice - Slide to open Notice

Fire Notice – Slide to open Notice Doors so indicated are permanently marked with a notice and have the words Slide to Open in letters of the height shown in mm together with an arrow indicating the direction of travel.

N5 Fire Notice - Fire Exit Keep Clear Notice

Fire Notice – Fire Exit Keep Clear Notice Notices so indicated which have the words FIRE EXIT – KEEP CLEAR in letters of the height shown in mm.

Fire Notice – Keep door Shut Notice Signs so indicated which have the words FIRE DOOR – KEEP SHUT or words to the like effect.

Fire Notice - Door Fitted with Push Bars Notice

Fire Notice – Door Fitted with Push Bars Notice Doors so indicated are permanently marked PUSH BAR TO OPEN immediately above the PUSH BAR in letters of the height shown in mm.


Handrail Handrail(s) so indicated are fixed at a height of not less than 840 mm not more than 991 mm measured vertically above the pitch line or the travel surface.


Guardrail Balustrade or Wall


Guardrail(s), balustrade(s) or wall(s) so indicated are fixed at or rise to a height of not less than 1. 06 m measured vertically above the pitch line or the travel surface. The space between the pitch line or travel surface and the underside of the guardrail or balustrade is in filled in such a manner as to prevent any person from falling through the side.


Staircase – Weather Protection The protection from inclement weather for the staircase(s)


Door – Roller Shutter Doors so indicated are ROLLER SHUTTER DOORS.


Door – Up and Over Doors so indicated are UP and OVER DOORS.




RAMPS so indicated are of the ratio shown in metres together with an arrow showing the direction of ascent.


Vision Panel


Glazed panel situated to allow occupants observation of outer room.

Roof Light - Automatic Venting

Roof Light – Automatic Venting Roof lights for smoke venting as detailed in the Smoke Venting Systems

Roof Light - Manual Venting

Roof Light – Manual Venting Roof lights for smoke venting as detailed in the Smoke Venting Systems

Roof Ventilator - Automatic Venting

Roof Ventilator – Automatic Venting Roof Ventilators for smoke venting so indicated. as detailed in the Smoke Venting Systems

Roof Ventilator - Manual Venting

Roof Ventilator – Manual Venting Roof Ventilators for smoke venting so indicated. as detailed in the Smoke Venting Systems

Roof Ventilator - Manual Override Point

Roof Ventilator – Manual Override Point
Roof Ventilation Manual Override Points so indicated are as detailed in the Smoke Venting Systems

Automatic Sprinkler Points

Automatic Sprinkler Points Sprinkler Points so indicated which conform to the relevant British Standard.

Automatic Sprinkler - Main Valve

Automatic Sprinkler – Main Valve Sprinkler Main Valve so indicated which conforms to the relevant British Standard.

Area Protected by a Pressurization System

Area Protected by a Pressurization System Pressurization System for Smoke Control so indicated which conforms to the relevant British Standard.

Hazard Location

Hazard Location This symbol indicates each hazard and can be identified numerically or alphabetically on an attached schedule.

AutoCad Fire Symbol Block Library

If you have AutoCad you could download a symbol block library for Fire Certificate Symbols (older standard). You may have to scale them up or amend them. The font used for the symbols was Bold Courier New 100mm (0.1) and the descriptions are Txt 70mm (0.07).

You could also try this interpretation of a few of the BSI Current Symbols you may find them useful. Because of the large number of permutations, I have only included the ones that I feel are best suited to Fire Safety and not fire engineering (mechanical or electrical) drawings. On your legend you could use the term "Area covered in accordance with the current British Standard" when you cannot identify an exact location. The font used for the symbols was Bold Courier New 200mm (0.2) and the descriptions are Txt 100mm (0.1).

The AutoCad symbol libraries can downloaded below:

Fire Symbols (Both Libraries) –  Download
Fire Certificate Symbols (older standard) – Download
BSI Current Symbols – Download

I would appreciate any feedback from anybody who is competent with AutoCad and has downloaded the symbols. I would like to know if they are functional and that they work, as this will enable me to improve the block libraries.

The British standards are available from: –

BSI Shop

Categories:Miscellaneous Fire Safety Issues

April 1, 2011[Last updated: June 17, 2021]