How to Be Happy in the New Year

If you're like many Americans, maybe you've resolved to lose those last ten pounds. Or to join that fancy gym. Or to break one of your ongoing habits, whether it's smoking or biting your nails. Maybe your resolution is to, well, avoid resolutions altogether. But what about resolving to focus on your own happiness this new year? It's not as hard as it seems — and it doesn't involve shelling out hundreds of dollars on a private therapist. Here are 12 practical, easy-to-implement ways you can help your happiness in 2016.

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1) Set Your Intention

That's right — you can start by making the choice for happiness.

The Dalai Lama has long believed that happiness is a state of mind . You can make a conscious decision to be happy. It isn't always as simple as it sounds, but take a look at your negative emotions and try to put a positive spin on them. There's always a silver lining, even if you can't recognize it immediately. You know you want to be happy. So stare at your reflection and tell yourself: "I am choosing happiness."

2) Complain Less

Complaining is a part of human nature, but it rarely serves a purpose . In fact, an ancient proverb states: "Instead of complaining that the rose bush is full of thorns, be happy the thorn bush has roses." You know complaining won't fix the problem. So modify your thinking and, while it's okay to vent every once in a while, focus on being grateful rather than regretful.

3) Start Sweating

And no, this one isn't about weight loss. No matter what your shape or size, research has shown that regular exercise can reduce your depression and anxiety by up to 25 percent. But you don't have to limit yourself to vigorous cardio. Consider activities like strength training, yoga and tai chi to elevate your mood. Studies have shown that even 20 minutes of exercise can have mood-boosting effects for up to 12 hours.

4) Spend Time With Family and Friends

Choose the right social circle. Most people find themselves happiest when they surround themselves with friends and family rather than bosses and co-workers. And if you don't have enough time to spend with those who make you happy, focus on improving your relationships with the people you do see on a regular basis.

5) Treat Yourself

It's the holiday season, so maybe you've spent a lot of time giving to others. But don't forget to indulge yourself , too. Treat yourself to a spa day, go for that acupuncture session or even plan a weekend getaway to escape from stress.

6) Be Proactive

If you want to find happiness, try to be proactive rather than reactive . Waiting for an opportunity to present itself can leave you feeling unfulfilled, so grab the bull by the horns and chart your own course in life. You'll feel better — and more in control — in the long run.

7) Keep Yourself Busy

Many times, you can stave off the holiday blues simply by keeping yourself busy and productive . Pick up a new hobby, consider taking a class or join a group of your peers. Volunteering — for example, at a soup kitchen or shelter — can also help you feel good about yourself while you give back to the community.

8) Get More Sleep

You've probably heard that most Americans are chronically sleep deprived. Sleep deprivation has detrimental effects on both physical and mental health. Just 60 to 90 extra minutes of sleep per night can do wonders for your happiness and stress levels.

9) Make Yourself Laugh

It's true: Laughter is the best medicine. The endorphins produced by laughter have physical and mental benefits such as reductions in pain, stress and anxiety . So why not treat yourself to a comedy or improv show? If you can't get out to see a show, consider curling up and watching one of your favorite sitcoms.

10) Meditate

Plenty of research has demonstrated the link between artful meditation and happiness . It takes some practice to learn to meditate, but once you've put in a little effort, you should notice that you're less stressed, more well rested and happier overall.

11) Find Happy People

Good news — a new study found that happiness is contagious , while depression is not. So surround yourself with friends and family known to exude positive energy, and you might just find that it rubs off on you, too.

12) Take Time to Unwind

The holiday season can leave you overwhelmed and stressed. So don't be afraid to take some time to yourself — it doesn't make you selfish . In fact, taking some time to unwind and re-energize on a regular basis will keep you happy and healthy. Practice these 12 tips and you'll finally have set a New Year's resolution you can't break: a commitment to your overall happiness.

How to Be Happy in the New Year


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