How to Draw a Hedge in Autocad

Creating a Hedge

You can create Hedges using either the:

  • Add - method where you can define the Hedge graphic and additionally specify the planting.
  • Quick Add - method, where you can define the Hedge graphic boundary only

Add Method

  • Continue from the previous section or open the read-only drawing KSTBase03.dwg
  • From the Softworks ribbon, Hedge panel, select add
  • The Hedge dialog appears

  • Under Geometry, pick [Draw Length>>]
  • You are returned to the drawing
  • Draw a continuous line around the rear of the site to represent the centre line of the proposed hedge, as below

Alternatively, you can use the standard AutoCAD polyline command to draw the entity before using the Add Hedge command and use [Select Length>>].

  • When complete, press [Enter]. You will be prompted whether you wish to delete or retain the line just drawn

  • Pick [Yes], as the line was created as a construction line only.
  • You are returned to the Hedge dialog.
  • Under Display Options, pick [Pattern]. The Pattern Options dialog appears.
  • As with planting areas, use the dialog box to create the desired appearance of the hedge and use [Preview], on the main Hedge dialog, to view the result of your selections.

For consistency throughout the remainder of this exercise, you may wish to apply the following values and settings:

  • When you have the settings you require, pick [Finished].
  • You are returned to the Hedge dialog.
  • If you wish to retain these settings for the creation of future hedges, under Display Options pick [Set As Defaults].
  • Pick [OK] to accept the settings.
  • At the command line, you will be prompted to Select Info Location. This allows you to define the location of the specification text, if you wish. As this is not required at present, press [Enter] to complete the creation of the hedge.

To create further hedges, repeat the above process or use the Hedge>Clone feature to copy the properties of an existing hedge to pre-drawn polylines. See "Using Clone Planting Areas" earlier in this section.

Quick Add Method

  • Continue from the previous section or open the read-only drawing KSTBase03.dwg
  • From the Softworks ribbon, Hedge panel, select Quick Add
  • The Hedge dialog appears

The dialog is much reduced and only includes options to define the graphics associated with the hedge.

  • Define the graphics for the hedge, as described above.
  • Once you are satisfied with your settings, pick [OK] to create the hedge with your preferred graphics.

You are not required to define the location for the specification text as no specification options exist with the quick add method.

Using Clone Hedge

Once you have a reference hedge in the drawing you can use the Clone option. This advantage of this approach is that it not only inherits the properties of an existing hedge and its graphic settings but will also clone its specification, if assigned. This allows you to quickly create new hedges with specifications from existing polyline based objects, including open polylines, polygons, or boundaries.

  • From the Softworks ribbon, Hedge panel, Select Clone
  • At the command line you are prompted:

Select Hedge to clone from: (pick an existing hedge and press [Enter])

  • At the command line you are prompted:

Select polyline to clone to: (pick a pre-drawn polyline and press [Enter])

  • If the hedge you are cloning has a specification, you will be prompted to assign the location for the specification text

Select Info Location: (Press [Enter] to skip specification insertion)

  • A new hedge will be created with the same properties as the original object
  • Repeat to clone the same properties to other polyline objects in the drawing, as required.
  • Press [Enter] to complete the command.

Modifying the Hedge Graphic

You can modify the graphic settings assigned to an existing hedge(s) in the drawing in one of two ways


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